Get your three cards and see if you’re able to make a poker hand out of them. If you are, then you can continue to play and hope that you beat the dealer. If you have a bad hand then you need to fold and this means a loss on your bet.
You choose how much to bet during game play, so you can then either win or lose this amount when it comes to getting the cards.
It is a game of chance, but you need to know what hands in the poker world are able to win over certain hands. You also need to know which ones go together to create the specific hands.
At times, during the online version, the more you win and play, you’re better off getting a bonus round that allows you to win extra cash that you would not be able to win otherwise.
Playing this game is fun and it provides everyone with a chance to win some points or cash in a fast paced game. You should make sure to pay attention before clicking a button to ensure that you’re making the right decision for that specific game.